WorkforceAI is the fastest way to handle continuous change needs in your workforce skills.... It leverages the power of AI to integrate skills data, people and technology with an easy UI that facilitates better informed decision-making. By identifying changing skills gaps and providing the means to quickly up-skill people, it engenders perpetual workforce readiness and sustainability, leading to massively transformative business outcomes. Read more
HR Agency Partners 

HR Agency Partnerships

HR agencies that have provided recruitment and staffing services to businesses face looming disruptions from technology advances, particularly AI-driven solutions. This is of particular concern with the fluctuating demands for new hires and the shift to skills-based recruiting.  Traditional approaches are unable to match the speed, efficiency and accuracy of AI-driven methods as newer and ever-more capable AI-driven solutions emerge.

As a strategic move to counter these challenges, the more astute HR agencies are actively building partnerships with tech businesses that promise to extend and support their recruitment efforts. 


WorkforceAI and HR

WorkforceAI empowers C-Suite executives of mid-sized and large organizations to align their HR strategy with business outcomes.

This extension into skills management within the businesses served by HR agencies complements the recruitment and staffing solutions provided HR agencies. By helping their customers to also better manage skills gap challenges, HR agencies can widen the scope of their services they offer.

Some of the advanced HR-related AI-driven capabilities of WorkforceAI that are of interest to HR agencies are, it   :
  • continuously tracks and identifies skills gaps within an organization
  • processes skills gaps within multiple branches of an organization
  • tracks future skills readiness in almost real-time
  • auto-generates job descriptions based on lagging skill competencies
  • provides decision-makers with accurate and relevant data to shape HR strategies
  • provides continuous skills assessment reviews to enable workforce readiness

These are in addition to the other capabilities listed in skills management section.

Exceptionally high value

HR Agency Partner Opportunities

HR agencies have an opportunity to offer these powerful capabilities to their customers by partnering with WorkforceAI. Some of the valuable advantages of this partnership to our HR agency partners include :
  • opening a new revenue stream for the partner
  • easily extending the agency usefulness and value to their customers
  • strengthening the relationship with their existing customers
  • getting advanced notices of new job openings as they occur
  • an exceptionally high return on effort.
To avoid conflict, partner opportunities are limited to HR agencies with expertise in particular industries.

Early applicants have an advantage of getting precedence over others.: 

Partner with Us

Partnering with us is easy.  We carefully assess and qualify partners who have the capability and resources to provide highly professional quality human resource services in particular areas.
HR agencies that want to take advantage of this bold move to advance their services and stsrengthen their relationship with their clients to partner with us can apply here.

We are very transparent with our partners. Partners have the opportunity to assess our platform before committing to their involvement. We are always open to discussion about our partnership arrangements.
Partner with Us

Contact Us

Contact us today for an open discussion on how a partnership with WorkforceAI can help you build a more successful, profitable and meaningful relationship with your clients. 
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